Agia Galini

Agia Galini is known for its enchanting design as a village, since it is built on the slope of a hill, among the calmness and peace that the area has, next to the crystal clear sea and beautiful beach. The small but graphic Port completes the image, giving its visitors the chance to enjoy romantic evenings at the Libyan Sea.

Agia Galini is about an hour and half’s drive from Heraklion and Chania and an hour away from Rethimno. It is located west of the centre of the Valley of Messara in the southern part of Crete,opposite Kalamaki and Matala.

According to mythology, Agia Galini was the area from which Daedalus and Icarus took off on their attempt to fly so as to get away from Minoa. At the port, you will find a monument dedicated to these pioneer aviators.

Von Agia Galini aus haben Sie die Möglichkeit auch andere sehenswerte Orte der Insel zu besuchen. Mit dem Schiff können Sie Agios Pavlos und das Kloster Preveli besuchen, ein schwer zugängliches Kloster, dessen Anblick Sie allerdings belohnen wird. Südlicher treffen Sie sowohl auf Festos, Triopetra und Agiofaraggo, als auch auf weitere Sehenswürdigkeiten der Umgebung.

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